General Shot-making
This section is good for all types of croquet.
1) Wicket Shooting
2).Jump Shots
3) 13 Yard Shots at the Peg with an Oakley Woods Gryphon Mallet
4) Eight Consecutive Unedited 7 Yard Roquet Attempts
5) Six Consecutive Unedited 12 Yard Roquet Attempts Using Casting
6) 12 Yard Roquet Attempts Using an Oakley Woods Predator Mallet
7) Using A Swing Trainer
Golf Croquet Videos World Class Golf Croquet Videos
2013 WCF Golf Croquet World Championship Finals
2019 WCF Golf Croquet World Championship Singles Final (featuring American Ben Rothman).
From the Croquet England YouTube Channel
American Rules 6 wicket Croquet [These do not apply to Golf Croquet]
Break Play For American Rules 6 Wicket Croquet
(aka - how to make several wickets in a turn - like running the table in pool).
1) Learning 3 Ball Breaks (an animation) with sound
2) Learning 3 Ball Breaks (full court example) - no sound
3) Learning 4 Ball Breaks (full court example #1) with sound
4) Learning 4 Ball Breaks (full court example #2) - no sound
NEW: USCA 6 Wicket American Rules Croquet Strategy Video Series(Volume 1)
[These do not apply to Golf Croquet]
You can read all about it here:
On this site, you can download two of the 12 videos included in the series for free along with the PDF User Guide which shows what the game conditions are in all 12 scenarios.
To access the other videos in this series there is a fee of $25.00 (see link above for details)
American Rules 6 wicket Croquet Referee Video Series [many of the shot faults also apply to Golf Croquet]
Bob Kroeger and Ted Prentis created a USCA 6 Wicket American Rules Croquet Referee On Court Video Series designed to help aspiring referees prepare for the on court test. This series should also help current referees of all levels. Additionally, USCA members who do not want to become referees may value from watching this series to better understand what a referee is looking for when called out to make a ruling. While not mandatory, we suggest you watch segments 1 - 13 in order in your first viewing. After that, it's totally up to you what you watch. Please do read/listen to the Intro first which gives context to the whole project. In it we say that some of our comments are our opinion and some viewers may disagree. We're fine with that and encourage an exchange of ideas as to what it takes to make a highly skilled and competent referee. We are open to make changes to any video clip if we find it will improve on the subject. Please email any questions/comments to Bob Kroeger at It is important to put this exact phrase into the subject box: "Referee Video Series" If that is not included, there is a chance it won't be read. Please note a reply may take some time. If we get a number of suggestions or questions that would add to the value of the project, we will post them to a web page for all to read. We thank two USCA members/referees who generously funded this project, Michael Charrier and Harvey Geiger. We hope you find this a worthwhile and helpful video series.
1) Introduction To the Video Series - Please Watch This First
2) Marking Balls And Referee Positions
3) Replacing Balls After A Fault And Obvious Bad Shots
6) Mallet Faults
7) Contact Distance In Single Ball Shots
8) Double Tap, Crush, Beveled Edge Fault Intro
9) Eight Wicket Shots In Real Time Only
10) The Same Eight Wicket Shots (Plus 3 Others) In Real Time And Slow Motion
11) Hampered Shots
12) Hammer Shots
13) Sweep Shots
14) Blocking
15) Wiring
16) Measuring Balls In Bounds
17) Scoring A Wicket And Hitting Another Ball
18) Shooting At A Ball In A Wicket
19) Irish Peels And Watching For A Pegout
20) Detecting Faults In Croquet Shots
21) Ball In Bounds And Ball Out Of Bounds
This section is good for all types of croquet.
1) Wicket Shooting
2).Jump Shots
3) 13 Yard Shots at the Peg with an Oakley Woods Gryphon Mallet
4) Eight Consecutive Unedited 7 Yard Roquet Attempts
5) Six Consecutive Unedited 12 Yard Roquet Attempts Using Casting
6) 12 Yard Roquet Attempts Using an Oakley Woods Predator Mallet
7) Using A Swing Trainer
Golf Croquet Videos World Class Golf Croquet Videos
2013 WCF Golf Croquet World Championship Finals
2019 WCF Golf Croquet World Championship Singles Final (featuring American Ben Rothman).
From the Croquet England YouTube Channel
American Rules 6 wicket Croquet [These do not apply to Golf Croquet]
Break Play For American Rules 6 Wicket Croquet
(aka - how to make several wickets in a turn - like running the table in pool).
1) Learning 3 Ball Breaks (an animation) with sound
2) Learning 3 Ball Breaks (full court example) - no sound
3) Learning 4 Ball Breaks (full court example #1) with sound
4) Learning 4 Ball Breaks (full court example #2) - no sound
NEW: USCA 6 Wicket American Rules Croquet Strategy Video Series(Volume 1)
[These do not apply to Golf Croquet]
You can read all about it here:
On this site, you can download two of the 12 videos included in the series for free along with the PDF User Guide which shows what the game conditions are in all 12 scenarios.
To access the other videos in this series there is a fee of $25.00 (see link above for details)
American Rules 6 wicket Croquet Referee Video Series [many of the shot faults also apply to Golf Croquet]
Bob Kroeger and Ted Prentis created a USCA 6 Wicket American Rules Croquet Referee On Court Video Series designed to help aspiring referees prepare for the on court test. This series should also help current referees of all levels. Additionally, USCA members who do not want to become referees may value from watching this series to better understand what a referee is looking for when called out to make a ruling. While not mandatory, we suggest you watch segments 1 - 13 in order in your first viewing. After that, it's totally up to you what you watch. Please do read/listen to the Intro first which gives context to the whole project. In it we say that some of our comments are our opinion and some viewers may disagree. We're fine with that and encourage an exchange of ideas as to what it takes to make a highly skilled and competent referee. We are open to make changes to any video clip if we find it will improve on the subject. Please email any questions/comments to Bob Kroeger at It is important to put this exact phrase into the subject box: "Referee Video Series" If that is not included, there is a chance it won't be read. Please note a reply may take some time. If we get a number of suggestions or questions that would add to the value of the project, we will post them to a web page for all to read. We thank two USCA members/referees who generously funded this project, Michael Charrier and Harvey Geiger. We hope you find this a worthwhile and helpful video series.
1) Introduction To the Video Series - Please Watch This First
2) Marking Balls And Referee Positions
3) Replacing Balls After A Fault And Obvious Bad Shots
6) Mallet Faults
7) Contact Distance In Single Ball Shots
8) Double Tap, Crush, Beveled Edge Fault Intro
9) Eight Wicket Shots In Real Time Only
10) The Same Eight Wicket Shots (Plus 3 Others) In Real Time And Slow Motion
11) Hampered Shots
12) Hammer Shots
13) Sweep Shots
14) Blocking
15) Wiring
16) Measuring Balls In Bounds
17) Scoring A Wicket And Hitting Another Ball
18) Shooting At A Ball In A Wicket
19) Irish Peels And Watching For A Pegout
20) Detecting Faults In Croquet Shots
21) Ball In Bounds And Ball Out Of Bounds